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Opt-Out Today from Pre-Screened Credit Offers*
Stop credit bureaus from sharing your information without your permission
Put an end to unsolicited credit offers.
It's far too easy for identity thieves to steal your mail or your garbage and use a pre-screened credit card offer to obtain credit in your name. Opt out so this won't happen to you.
Put an end to telemarketing.
Once your credit has been pulled, the credit agencies actually sell this information to "trigger lead" companies. As a result, you can find your phone ringing regularly even if you're on the "Do Not Call" list. Worse still, the companies that resort to purchasing these leads have been known to misrepresent themselves or engage in bait-and-switch tactics.
Put an end to fraud.
Trigger leads get re-sold many times over. Shady characters might contact you under the guise of being your lender and try to extract important personal information. NEVER provide SS#, mother's maiden name, etc., over the phone.
Assure your security and peace of mind.
Fraud and identity theft are not things you want to face at any time. Opting Out is free and takes only a couple of minutes. That's far less than the time you could spend shredding unwanted mail or dealing with unwanted calls.