
Planning for Your Mortgage


  • Continue paying off debt (If applicable)

  • Explain any credit blemishes & inquiries

  • Authorize Movement to correspond via email – Ensures a smooth and efficient process

  • Submit all items requested within 3 days

  • Provide documentation for the sale of your current home (If applicable)

  • Notify your Loan Officer if you plan to receive gift funds for closing costs

  • Notify your Loan Officer of any changes in employment or marital status

  • Contact your Loan Officer to lock in your mortgage rate

  • Research & choose a homeowners insurance company

  • Notify your Loan Officer of any special circumstances with your closing (i.e. Utilizing a Power of Attorney, sending closing docs to you at location other than the title company)


  • Make major purchases prior to close – This may impact your ability to qualify (i.e. New car, furniture, appliances, electronics, etc.)

  • Attempt to open or increase any liabilities including credit cards, signature loans, etc. during the loan process – This may impact your ability to qualify

  • Change jobs or employers – Without inquiring about the impact this change would have on the approval of your mortgage

  • Obtain and/or deposit unusually large sums of money without proper documentation – Guidelines require documentation as to the source of these funds (i.e. Copy of bonus check, copy of insurance settlement, gift letter, etc.)

  • Close, open or transfer any asset accounts without acquiring the proper documentation required for your loan file – (i.e. If you transfer all the funds in your stock account to your savings account, then documentation is required)